Discovery Trek

This blog was created to help stay in touch with family, friends and fellow homeschoolers while we are on our trip.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Day 1: La Crosse to Shelby, Iowa

We got of to a rocky start this morning. Finally, we were able to find a spot for the cats (our reservations got mixed up with our vet causing a last-minute scramble), and there were construction issues with our house that needed our attention. Kevin drove through Minnesota and I took over in the evening and drove most of Iowa. They had quite a bit of patchy snow in Iowa. The sun was low in the sky which created long blue shadows in the little valleys of the rolling hills. We found an RV campground in Shelby and decided to crash for the night only to find that we evidently hit a branch or something and our RV slide won't come out. We are definitely starting the trip under a dark cloud! These photos are of the RV at the Shelby campground


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