Discovery Trek

This blog was created to help stay in touch with family, friends and fellow homeschoolers while we are on our trip.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thursday: Denver, again...

Woke up late today and got on the road around 12:00. We drove through Utah and half of Colorado to Denver. If I wake early tomorrow and have energy, I will drive the last leg home to Wisconsin. It absolutely broke my heart to drive past so much and not stop to visit. Chris spent most of the day watching Voyager cd's and I enjoyed the scenery. We started in the desert and rode through the Rockies. This time we drove through the Vail pass. Our country is so beautiful. I feel like I am just starting the journey we began a few weeks ago. I am definitely returning to Wisconsin a different person than I left. I wonder if that is a good thing. No photo today too tired.


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