Discovery Trek

This blog was created to help stay in touch with family, friends and fellow homeschoolers while we are on our trip.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Day 2: Shelby, Iowa to Denver, Colorado

Today was much better! We started this morning in Shelby and drove to Council Bluffs where we stopped at the Barnes and Noble to buy books on tape. We are studying the Lord of the Rings while on this trip so we got the tapes. Chris got a bunch of books about a dragon which is a series that she is reading. Kevin picked up a university course on CD about The Epic in World Literature. Looks good. Then we started the long, long drive through Nebraska toward Denver. Nebraska is much flatter thank Iowa. They also had gobs of snow (22 inches) on the ground. We stopped at a rest area and the dogs had a blast running through the snow! We kept going and stopped at the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument. This is a huge museum dedicated to the pioneering spirit in America. The museum straddles I-80 and is a fabulous way to spend an hour if you are ever in the area. Kevin drove us through Nebraska and I took over in Colorado where I finished the drive into Denver. There are so many lights in Denver which was truly beautiful after the flat snow drifts of Nebraska.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe all the snow in Nebraska & Iowa! We enjoyed seeing the pictures & reading your blog. Keep it up! Dad & Ruth

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to Colorado!!!!

12:31 PM  

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